Life's Little Memoirs

art,love,friendships,movies,books,food,fashion,travel.. anything goes.
" my quest to finding joy in life's simple moments"

Friday, January 23, 2009

kiddie work

This is the art work of Zach, my 6 year old nephew. I actually got his mail just a few days ago. I couldn’t help but smile at his drawing. His drawing visualizes a scene of me, him (Zach) and Cheska, her little sister playing on the playground. That’s what we used to do when I spend my vacation there at their place. His drawing reminded me of a lot of things, how happy we are when we are playing, making a fool out of ourselves. At my age, it reminded me of that certain feeling, the feeling of being a kid again, not minding the worldly responsibilities and even for a while, I could feel that life isn’t so complicated after all.
I guess just like me, Zach also has that love for drawing and artsy things; I think he got the potential too. Hmmm.. I guess it’s in the genes already—that love for drawing, colors and the arts per se. All I’m trying to say is, even little kids do have their own work of genius too. No matter what age a person may be, art would surely be expressed in a lot of ways. And this is art according to my six-yr-old nephew, just one of his many works of art.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rainbow burst

Colors make one’s portrait come alive. It makes the scenery bright and radiant if there are colors in it. It sweeps away the dullness and the sadness one is experiencing. I have noticed that the colors that a painter uses in his works depict his or her mood while doing it. If the colors used are quite gloomy and the result of the work is just so-so, then that may reflect the true mood of the one who did that. If the colors used are marvelously vibrant and the work of art is utterly splendid, one can sense the mood by just a mere glance at the art work; it depicts joy and happiness.

It made me think of it. In life, how I wish it would just be oh so colorful everyday, that there will be no ominous days—that life would just be filled with wonderful bursts of colors and say send-off those black and dark colors. I must admit, colors give meaning to one’s life; vibrant colors means happiness and dull colors give a-not-so-happy thoughts. As they say, different colors have different meanings and have their own corresponding significance. I love it when the colors are mixed up together, it certainly does construct the meaning of art. Different colors come intertwined it’s as if it creates a magical mystery behind.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Even candies also have a taste of art!

Yummy-licious candies, a treat for the taste buds; such an attractive delight both to the kids and adults. As pleasing as they may seem, amazingly enough, even candies have those undeniably artsy prints and stuffs with it. See, arts can be evenly seen everywhere—from billboards to posts, from walls to corridors, fashion prints, and even candies too have a touch of art. Because of the thing called art, colors spurt everywhere and I mean anywhere. Art does not merely engage in frames or walls, it goes along with anything. Colors sure do come alive with the use of art and designs just like these candies; jellybeans also remind me of art and how colourful each jellybean can be depending on its flavor. Having art designs and colors on candies make them more delectable and more appealing to the people of every age.

fight for my heart

If you’re an avid fan of one tree hill like me, you probably would notice this drawing once you set eyes on it. If you’re thinking that this is one of the works of Peyton Sawyer (played by Hilarie Burton), indeed, you are right. Just to give a background, Peyton’s character in one tree hill is a girl who definitely has passion towards arts and music. Usually, she expresses her emotions through her drawings and abstract works.
I found this drawing while I was surfing the net; I was astounded to find a site or a fanpop for that matter that features peyton’s art. I certainly am truly awed by her drawings throughout the whole one tree hill season episodes; her love for art is evidently seen by her superb works. No words need to be said, she simply unleashes her true emotions in her works.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A dash of color

picture taken from: 2008 Art Therapy Association of Colorado

I guess my passion for arts, painting and stuffs related to these had always been there. Since childhood, I used to draw, color and paint. Anything that comes into my mind and if I’m in the mood for doing art stuffs, then I’d quickly find pieces of paper, grab a pencil or coloring materials and the next thing that happens, I’m there on the table or floor sketching and doing artsy things. Even if my drawings and paintings are quite nonsense way back childhood, still I call it my work of art. Then I grew up, I still have that innate passion for paintings and colors; this time, I call my ‘works of art’ my so-called-masterpiece.

share the love

.. such a simple word ..
.. makes the world go round ..
.. is supposed to make everyone happy ..
.. should be shared to all mankind ..
.. need not to be selfish ..
.. is all we need ..

Friday, January 16, 2009

The love for ballet

Graceful movements, pirouettes, slinky posture, classical music, colourful tutus, ballet shoes, tights and leotards – all these encompasses a ballerina. How awesome is it to see a ballerina dancing on a stage; the movements are free flowing, like a chiffon cotton cloth being blown by the wind. Ballet stage plays just merely catches the hearts of every audience; awed and mystified by the beauties of each ballerina and how timeless and classy they move. I admire ballerinas because they seem to be graceful at all times; just there mere fact that they do ballet makes them so amazing.
I was once a ballerina in my own little way. I used to have those ballet lessons when I was still in pre-school or maybe that was like my elementary years. Attending ballet classes was fun but I guess I did not realize it’s worth way back. I used to enjoy every ballet classes I used to attend every after school. I liked having those colourful tights and leotards; I had like a number of them. I loved my pink ballet shoes. I enjoyed recitals and I get challenged by the thought of it. The sad part is, I stopped ballet lessons mainly because the little girl me that time got tired with the kind of schedule I used to have. Mom used to tell me that I got tired of doing it and that I want to stop ballet lessons. Well, when I got older, I realized that the decision that I had years ago was a wrong move. I regret why I stopped attending ballet lessons. What can I do, I was just a kid, not thinking about the decisions to be made. Maybe for me that time, it was a good decision to stop but actually it’s not. I wish I could just go back in time and erase that part when I made my not so good decision about quitting the whole ballet thing.
Years may go by but still my love for dancing and ballet will forever be there. It didn’t matter if I stopped way back but the thought of it that I experienced doing ballet, doing the moves and pirouettes, then I can say that it’s enough for me. My love for ballet and dancing as a whole would forever be there. I will always love stage plays, theatre acts, movies which has something to do with dancing and stuffs like that. Two thumbs up and full applause to the ballerinas out there. I simply adore you all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lazy day today

Oh, it’s been raining the whole morning already and I bet it will still go on the whole day. The weather today is so gloomy, not to mention it is indeed very very rainy outside. I should have gone out for island hopping today but I’d have to say, change of plans due to the unstoppable rain. Instead of complaining and whining because of the heavy rain, I might as well enjoy it and find ways to make the day interesting despite the never ending raindrops. The fact that the rain hasn’t stopped since it started early dawn, the weather is way too conducive for sleeping, be lazy, pig out while watching a movie and couch potato stuffs I guess. But, on the brighter side, due to this hazy weather today, I get to enjoy the pleasant and calming sound of the rain. The weather is just so serene; it’s the perfect time to spend time alone and feel the breeze of the cold weather. It is the perfect time to grab a cup of hot coffee paired with a cinnamon or a cookie maybe, go read a novel and just relax as I feel the frosty atmosphere overwhelm me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

happily ever after dream

I like to have dreams in my sleep because dreaming simple gives me the chance to escape reality for a while. In dreams, I see impossible and beautiful things happen. Vivid imaginations come alive and bring happy thoughts to my mind even for a while. In dreams, I can be my own princess, meet up with my prince charming, catch the sight of my own beautiful sparkling castle, and I get to have that happily ever after kind of story just like in fairy tales.

a kid's world

It’s always fun being a kid. A child’s life may seem to be as carefree as it seems. For them, life appears to be a no worry type of existence. They don’t have to worry what’s going to happen tomorrow or in the near future. A child’s day can already be said complete if he or she played the whole day. Playing is what keeps a child a busy and satisfied. Children always have that precious smiles on their faces, a mere giggle and a warm smile would brighten any adult’s horrible day. Yes, kids are definitely cute and adorable but often times, they become stubborn and with just a snap, they can be in their temper tantrum mode. Funny how easily they can be motivated with just simple M&M’s, a couple of starburst candies, a trip to the ice cream store, offering them their favourite bar of chocolate. Happiness for them can be seen everywhere and be felt all the time. It is such a wonderful life that they are living—a life that is simple, having not to worry about responsibility and a life that is not complicated.

Why am I even saying these things about kids? It is because I do sometimes envy the life of a kid. Yes, I was once a kid and I sure did love it. It’s living life with no worries, being contented with simple toys, getting bored because simply got tired of playing with the same old toys, tripping and falling down earning some scratches and wounds that are easily relieved through colourful band aids. When I grew up, I realized that a kid’s life is so much fun. How I wish I never would grow old or even age every year just like Peter Pan living in Never Land. But life is not like that. Apparently, we all have to age every year and having to face the reality about life. An adult’s life is way too complex and far way too beyond living the carefree life that we had experienced when we were still kids. An adult’s life gives the impression that ‘man is never satisfied with whatever he has in his life.’ When you’re an adult, getting hurt is not as easy as repairing one’s wound with band aids like what kids experience. Adults have that tendency not to be able to cope up immediately when emotional hurt arises. I hope we can just like put band aids to repair all the hurts that we have been through and would still be going through. How I want it to be that an adult’s life can be as easy as one two three, that as adults, we can get motivated easily with a bunch of candies, chocolates and ice creams, that we too could also find meaning and happiness in everything that we do and how I wish that we would live an uncomplicated life that we used to have when we were still kids. I know we can’t be kids forever but if we just look deep in ourselves, there’s always a kid inside of us and that is the thing that will never fade away.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Are promises really meant to be broken?

The word “promise” is such a grave word. It needs sincerity and whole hearted honesty every time one utters that word. To promise to a person is not an easy thing to do. Often times, people make promises all the time and yet, it ends up getting broken in the end. Most of the time, a guy would promise to a girl that he would stay faithful and he will love the girl till the end of time. Apparently, that promise is most of the time overlooked by men and it seemed like it has already been mouthed from one man to another. If we would look at it in the society, it is an example of a promise that is almost if not always been left broken. Many hearts have been shattered just with those words of promises which never came into reality. Another simple example would be of a career woman type of mother who promises to be there on her daughter’s very special birthday party. Yet, in the end, the mother was not able to attend her daughter’s much awaited birthday party and ends up feeling devastated. Instances like these are like moments in life that you wish had not ever existed. That you somehow wished that the promises were not said because all those wonderful words just left you hanging and felt bitter about the situation and even made you feel bad about the person. It’s always difficult when you’re holding on to the promises left by the person you trust most, value the most or even the one you love so dearly. You’d want to curse the words been sent and hope that the person who said could just all take them back but it’s all too late. The words have been stated and the promises have been broken.

Is it man’s nature to keep on promising where in fact, it would just lead to nowhere? Or are there just people who are just all about saying beautiful enticing words of promises and yet they don’t really mean it at all. It’s a bitter reality but the fact that many lives were broken just because of darn promises not kept and meant. Sweet words turned into viscous lies after all.

Wouldn’t it be nice when a person says he will do it and he promises to do it, willingly keeps up to the promise he meant? Wouldn’t it be better if we say a “promise is a promise” and really proves that he or she meant what was been said? Promises made by any person should all be coming from the heart. Not just merely saying those words because for the sake of exchange of sweet words that actually meant sweet nothings at all. It needs to be true and sincere so that no feelings will be spoiled and no relationships, ambitions and even families will be destroyed. So, the next time you make any promises, think about it first if you can live up to it and won’t end up flouting the promises in the end.

there's always a first time,this whole blogging thing that is going on nowadays seems to be really the 'in thing' nowadays. I know the blog thing is like going on for years already and spreading so much in the internet and i found it quite interesting.Since i can't beat all those unbeatable bloggers who find themselves very much addicted to this blogging thing,well,maybe i could just join them instead.As the saying goes, "if you can't beat them,join them".So here i am,writing my first entry.I think i'll make blogging as my hobby from now on.It's like,i could include it in my list of favorite 'past-time-thing-to-do'.Yah,i think it would be great having a journal that is like posted online and just writing whatever ideas that are coming in one's mind--in my mind to be exact.Hmmm..might as well enjoy the blogging mania going on in the world.This is actually my first entry here and i got to say this,i think i'm actually having fun right now..just typing the things that cross my mind.
This might not be a perfect entry or what.what can i do,I'm just a newbee here.There's always a first time for everything, right?